The World According to Victoria

Wonderful World of Victoria


Welcome to Victoria's World. She's a happy, rambunctious, curious pre-schooler. There's no end to the adventures to be had when you're turning into a little girl. Here's to watching the transformation.

Thursday, February 14, 2008
  Happy Valentine's Day
Here's my girl. Doesn't she look so happy.

She had a good Valentine's Day. They had a Valentine's Day party at school. According to Victoria, she had a brownie and a cookie. I think she had some fruit too. Her class exchanged valentines. She made out. Several of the valentines came with candy. I had to open at least one for her on the way home. So I opened the m&m's. She was told only one until after dinner.

After dinner she had her choice of cupcakes or more candy from the valentine's bag. Victoria didn't think too long about that one. She went for the cupcakes.
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