The World According to Victoria

Wonderful World of Victoria


Welcome to Victoria's World. She's a happy, rambunctious, curious pre-schooler. There's no end to the adventures to be had when you're turning into a little girl. Here's to watching the transformation.

Saturday, September 26, 2009
We headed off to the Upper Gwynedd Township Carnival last night as soon as Jeff got home. Victoria is tenacious when she gets something in her head. That something was going to the Carnival. We'd been talking about going this weekend and I happened to mention that it had started already. Silly me... I should have seen this coming.

Still, it was a fun night. I made Victoria wait until after we had dinner before she could start riding rides. Jeff and I got sweet sausages. They were covered in peppers and onions. Mmmm. I enjoyed mine.

I brought Victoria's lunch box. I wasn't sure they'd have anything she'd eat. Well, any dinner food that she'd eat. The sweets were a given. So she ate cheese, yogurt, dried fruit, and cheetos for dinner.

Then it was off to ride rides. She measures off as 45" on their height chart. Kinda jives with where she falls at Dutch Wonderland. We bought $20 worth of tickets and off we went. It was getting dark so not many of the pictures turned out. I just had the point and shoot. But, still, it was fun.

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