The World According to Victoria

Welcome to Victoria's World. She's a happy, rambunctious, curious pre-schooler. There's no end to the adventures to be had when you're turning into a little girl. Here's to watching the transformation.

Sunday, July 26, 2009
  Travel Day and Arrival
Traveling to Ocean City Maryland on Sunday. Victoria is engrossed watching the 101 Dalmations Patch's London Adventure. We picked up DVDs for her to watch when we were shopping on Saturday getting ready to go.

It was pretty hot when we stopped as Smyrna for a rest break. Victoria had just finished a Backyardigan's episode so she was ready to get out. She spotted the park from the fountain and we headed over there. She swung a little bit but couldn't get on the seesaws this time. Too hot. We got a bottle of water out of the vending machines before heading out again.

We decided to stop at the Dough Roller for dinner before heading to the hotel. Victoria wasn't too enthusiastic about a picture at dinner. I interrupted her word search. Overall, she did pretty good at dinner. She didn't like their toasted cheese because the cheese wasn't orange like at Ruby Tuesday. Guess I have a cheese connoisseur on my hands.

However, she did like getting a toy at the end of the meal. She picked out a jet plane. We waited on the sidewalk while the bill was paid so that Victoria could play with the jet without getting underfoot.

It was a good thing we stopped for dinner when we did. We were just getting in the car when the first rain drops hit. We were in a good downpour driving the last couple blocks to the hotel. The good news was that we could settle in and watch the rain without having to head back out. After a long day, we managed to get Victoria settled in bed around 9pm and we kicked back and relaxed for a couple more hours before calling it a night.
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