The World According to Victoria

Welcome to Victoria's World. She's a happy, rambunctious, curious pre-schooler. There's no end to the adventures to be had when you're turning into a little girl. Here's to watching the transformation.

Friday, August 08, 2008
  Dutch Wonderland
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Journaling reads:
"Not so enthusiastic right now. It was a longer drive than expected because of the traffic. We’ve barely made it into the Park. You’ve ridden the Wonderland Special train with Mommy and driven the remote controlled boats with Daddy. We sat you down on a bench while we looked through the map. You looked hot and tired and out of sorts and not at all in the mood to be playing. Seemed like a good idea to head over to one of the air-conditioned eateries. We found the Mill Stream Eatery just down the path from here. We had to wait in line, but at least it was air-conditioned. We got to cool off while we ate. At first I thought we were just eating for me. Then you started digging in. You drank down an entire juice box, pulled the cheese off of two slices of a personal pan pizza, ate some of the fries, and completely devoured the cheese curls. Guess that was the right decision."

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Journaling reads:
"Go from the Entrance to Wonderland Express (1) to Remote- Controlled Boats to Mill Stream Eatery (4)
To the Wiggle Racers (10)
To Duke’s Lagoon
The Slush Shack (9) back to the Entrance and to the car park
Entrance to the Turnpike Sweetstop (6) to the Silo Slide (5) to the Turnpike (4)
To the Wiggle Racers (10) and then the Sky Ride II (17)
Got off at Sky Rike I (32), walked back to Space Shuttle (31) and played some games"

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