The World According to Victoria

Welcome to Victoria's World. She's a happy, rambunctious, curious pre-schooler. There's no end to the adventures to be had when you're turning into a little girl. Here's to watching the transformation.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
  Beach Day 2
Our second day on the beach. We got a late start. Which was actually a good thing, considering the weather.

I got up a little after Victoria. We played dinosaurs for a while in the morning. I have to do the voices for the little dinos. I have to post one of the pictures of them. It was interesting. Victoria keeps coming up with these scenarios to play out. Some are repeated... ad nauseum. Sometimes she comes up with really clever ones though. The bedside table has a single drawer and then an open shelf. The open shelf became the dinos home. Everyone huddled in there at various times.

I played a little too long with Victoria. We missed the buffet at English's. So, we ended up a Layton's again. Not such a bad second choice. Victoria likes their pancakes.

We headed down to the beach closer to lunch time. We got an umbrella and two chairs, today. Mostly overcast so we didn't need as much. And, we don't get to spend much time in the chairs this time around anyway. Victoria is very active on the beach.

I thought we'd be doing Turtle Hill again today. Well, sort of. I brought the cars down to the beach to play with. So Daddy built up a hill on one side and I dug up a hill on the other side. And then I built a road between the two.

Victoria named the cars, Thomas (orange) and James (red), and the tow truck, Henry.

The surf was really rough. We were back far enough today that we weren't threatened by it. Although as high tide started coming in Victoria would switch from playing in front of the chairs to playing behind. You can see one of the larger waves crashing in behind Victoria as she played in Daddy's castle.

And, just to prove that I'm actually here on vacation too. Daddy took pictures. Victoria and I are playing with Thomas on my Turtle Hill. It's not as fancy as Daddy's castle on the other side, but we had fun building it and then driving around it.

Then we played bury the cars in the sand. Daddy was amazed to see my Turtle Hill with a castle wall around its perimeter. It was accomplished because I provided the voices for the cars. Thomas would be buried by Victoria and then I'd call for James and Henry to help dig him out. Of course the variations would be James or Henry buried in the sand instead of Thomas. Or, there was Thomas and James buried and Henry to the rescue... Thomas and Hentry buried or James and Henry... well, I'm sure you get the picture. Imagine I did that long enough to get the castle wall built.

It was late afternoon before we headed back to the hotel. We had a tiff at the elevator. A hotel employee intercepted Victoria before she could get on an elevator without us. That lead to the reminder that she needed to wait for us. Which turned into a crying jag from Victoria. And, the usual tear-filled demand to go home. A quick shower rinsed her off. Then she climbed into bed and took a two hour nap.

So much for going out to dinner. Jeff and I waited her out for a while. Then he headed down the Boardwalk to get us pizza. Victoria awoke while he was gone. We channel surfed for a while until we found Nickelodeon. Of course, it was SpongeBob SquarePants. Daddy got back with really good greasy boardwalk pizza. We really enjoyed it. Victoria picked at food. She had a little of this and a little of that, topped off with a donut for dessert.

A little bit of play time. Then a bath. And off to bed.

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